What did I learn that was new to me?
Online business, how to create a blog,E-Business, Computer Technology and Computer Advancement. Which we are start having class from Monday to Thursday (1830-2100) and Friday (1430-1600).
What insights did this new knowledge give to me?
EB is about a business using online and CT is about system concepts and as well as the learning Microsoft word on the last Friday,which is about how to use Microsoft words.
did it help me see something in a new light?
How did I feel about what was done?
I actually satisfied and get use to it.but i have to concentrate more in the class.
Did it affect me emotionally and if so how?
Yes,since i was working at Temburong in office hours i have to manage my time between study and working.
What did I like or enjoy and why?
I like the way how the lecturer give the presentation and give more explaination with specific example that related with the subject we learn that day.
What did I dislike and why?
dislike when the lecturer give explaination in english all time,since i not really good in english.And when the lecture always give up to give explaination when the student look like bored and not in the study mood.>>kesiannn jua itooo<< :-)
What did I find easy to do or understand and why?
giving more example will make more easier to us understand.
What did I find difficult or challenging to do or understand and why?
it hard for me to focus the slide presentation in the front when the lecturer give explaination too fast.(run after buffalo)>>PEACE MISS<<hehehe
Is there any action that I will take as a result of what was done?
Do I need to plug further gaps in my knowledge?
Do I want to investigate or research further?
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